How can I repay you?




Mothers are special people..they understand what her child never utters! The problems and difficult situations they have to endure is amazing.

Recently there was a mother who spoke about her day and she explained how on two occasions she placed food on the table with the intention of eating with her kids, only for her baby to start crying which meant she left the table. Once she had calmed the baby and had returned, the food was finished. She thought to herself “I really wanted to have some too!” This happened several times in her life but the two times she recalled this she thought to herself…mothers do so much but how can a child ever repay that back?

Subhanallah the daily challenges they have to overcome and the circumstances that they so happily accept even though it goes against what they use to believe and hold on to.

May Allah bless all mothers and grant them khayr in this world and the next. Ameen. ❤️🙏

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